Play sports with

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founders 🧑🏽‍🚀
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founders 🧑🏽‍🚀
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Connect through the things you love.

No algorithms – just people and their passions.

Whether you’re here to play, meet new people, or just feel part of something bigger, Futpal is your space to dive in.

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Beach Volleyball

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Winter Swimming

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E-Sports Tournaments

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Table Tennis

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Life's Too Short

Take a break. Futpal makes it effortless for you to meet other brilliant people through the sports and activities you love.

Whether you're an expat, a founder, or just someone looking for a fresh crew, this is where you belong.

Meet the Community

🧑🏽‍🚀 83.3%

of our users are in high-performance roles

🦄 35%

from Unicorns and Tech Giants like Bolt, Wise, and Pipedrive

📈 168+

Companies represented across Tech and Finance

🧑🏻‍💻 >20%

are Software Engineers

🤝 2300+

Innovators building real connections

⚡️ 67%

from Tech & IT sector

🌍 54+

Different Nationalities

Hear what they have to say

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🇪🇪 Kerttu, Entrepreneur

"Futpal is so much fun! Pühapäevased rannavorkpalli mängud on mu kõige lemmikumad! Peaksite ka kindlasti proovima!"

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🇪🇬 Hazem, Wise

"Futpal has been an amazing solution not just for me but everyone in Tallinn."

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🇺🇦 Mike, Invest Estonia

"I last played football in Ukraine about 7-8 years ago. Since I found futpal, I've been playing nearly every week and regaining my form."

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🇪🇪 Risto, ContentGecko

"It's pretty good. We used to struggle to get enough players for a game. Now it just takes a click."

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🇻🇳 Huy, Envoice

"Met lots of friends for life at Futpal. Highly recommended for people to use when visiting Tallinn."

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🇪🇪 German, Software Developer

"Very nice tool! Love it! So powerful and so well organised!"

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🇺🇦 Andriy, Entrepreneur

"If it wasn't for Futpal, I would probably become an alcoholic."

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🇻🇪 Angelito, QLA

"I started using Futpal when I moved here 3 months ago, now I have more friends here than most people who grew up in Tallinn."

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🇪🇪 Davor, Nutiklaas

"Iga kord on mul uued mehed meeskonnas, mis on väga lahe, sest ma tutvun väga paljude erinevate inimestega. Ja mis on kõige lahedam, nad ei ole ainult Eestist pärit, vaid üle maailma. Brasiiliast, Egiptusest, Prantsusmaalt…ükskõik kust! Sa saad üle maailma siit sõpru :)"

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🇫🇷 Grégory, Entrepreneur

"The fields are top-notch, and the quality of the balls is great. The fact that games are filmed, allowing you to replay your matches, is a super cool feature! Easily the best way to play football on the best pitches in Tallinn. Highly recommend!"

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🇵🇪 Alejandro, Coolbet

"Futpal is amazing - it helped me get back into shape by playing my favourite sports with new friends I met on the platform.

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🇳🇬 Nnaemeka, Yolo Group

"Best decision I made after moving to Estonia, an amazing community. A family of friends"

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🇮🇳 Akhil, Horizon Pulp & Paper

"There’s something for all sports enthusiasts. Sometimes you might even catch their football or FIFA tournaments. The convenience is unmatched, and it’s a great way to meet people and stay active playing these wonderful sports."

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🇿🇦 Kemal, Monefit

"If you’re looking for a pickup game and have no friends… just join Futpal and you’ll be so happy you discovered the platform"


✅ How do I join?

It’s super easy! Just:

1. Click 'Join the Club' and sign up on our app!

2. Pick an activity that suits your schedule and click 'Join' to pay and register online.

3. Show up, make friends, and have fun.

🎒 Do I need to bring anything?

You just need to wear comfortable clothes and the right footwear. We’ll take care of the rest, like the equipment and venue.

💸 How much does it cost?

The cost depends on the sport and the location, but you can see the price for each activity when you book. Everything is clear and upfront - no surprises!

💪 Do I need to be fit or skilled to join?

Our activities are all about having fun and making new friends. It doesn’t matter if you’re really good at sports or just starting out—anyone can join! Just pick a game you like and enjoy playing. That’s it!

✍️ Can anybody create a new activity?

Right now, only members who’ve been active for 6 months can create activities on Futpal. We’re beta-testing this feature, but if you're interested in early access, send us an email at

Share your Passion.